I/O Moduler

Autic System AS leverer en rekke I/O moduler til det Norske automasjonsmarkedet. Vi spesialiserer oss på høykvalitets I/O til industrielt bruk. Derfor er de fleste av I/O modulene maritimt typegodkjent (DNV, APS,GL)

Viser 1–24 av 42 resultater

  • IoT Gateway

    groov RIO med 2GB RAM, 7GB SSD klargjort for Ignition Edge

    groov RIO for avansert innhenting av distribuert I/O for IIoT

    Industriledende konfigurering av I/O porter

    1 på lager


  • IoT Gateway

    groov RIO EMU, Power Monitoring module,3-fase, 600V

    groov RIO EMU (energy monitoring unit) for avansert innhenting av distribuert I/O for energidata

    3 på lager


  • 1 på lager


  • Mix I/O

    Kombinasjons I/O med 2 analoge ut PoE

    EtherTRAK-2 mix-modul, 24 stk dig. inn, 8 stk dig. ut, 8 an. inn, 2 an. ut med PoE tilkobling


  • Mix I/O

    Kombinasjons I/O PoE

    EtherTRAK-2 mix-modul, 24 stk dig. inn, 8 stk dig. ut, 8 an. inn med PoE tilkobling


  • Digitale I/O

    32 Dig. utganger 0.5 Amp each, 8 Amps total

    EtherTRAK-2 digital utgangsmodul, 32 stk 10-30 VDC med PoE tilkobling


  • Analoge I/O

    32 An. innganger, 4-20 mA PoE

    EtherTRAK-2 analog inngangsmodul, 32 stk 4-20 mA med PoE tilkobling


  • Analoge I/O

    32 An. innganger, 0-10V PoE

    EtherTRAK-2 analog inngangsmodul, 32 stk 0-10 VDC med PoE tilkobling


  • Analoge I/O

    16 Isolerte an. innganger, 4-20 mA PoE

    EtherTRAK-2 analog inngangsmodul, 16 stk isolerte 4-20 mA med PoE tilkobling


  • Digitale I/O

    Modbus TCP til 5 DI & 3 DO Rele kontakt

    5 Input & 3 output(Relay: RL1/Form A, RL2/3 Form C) Isolated channels with ModbusTCP module


  • Digitale I/O

    Modbus TCP to 8 DI & 8 DO Module

    The EX9055-MTCP is a high-density digital I/O module designed with a 10/100 based-T interface for seamless Ethernet connectivity. It provides 8 digital input channels, and 8 digital output channels. All of the digital input channels support the input latch function for important signal handling. The digital output channels support source type output.


  • Digitale I/O

    Modbus TCP til 12 DI & 4 DO (NPN) kanaler

    Support Modbus/TCP,TCP/IP, UDP, ICMP, ARP
    Ethernet 10/100 Based-T Communication
    Support 4 Isolated digital output channels(NPN).
    Provide Pulsed/delay Output Mode
    Support 12 Isolated digital Input Channels
    Provide Counter/Frequency Inputs Mode
    Support Dry/ Wet Contact Inputs
    Fully Photo-Isolation 3750Vrms


  • Digitale I/O

    Modbus TCP to 12 DI, 2 DO & 2 counter/ freq. (4.5 KHz)

    The EX9051-MTCP is a high-density I/O module built-in a 10/100 based-T interface for seamless Ethernet connectivity. It provides 12 digital input, 2 digital output, and 2 counter/ freq. (4.5 KHz) channels with 3000VDC Isolating protection. All of the Digital Input channels support input latch function for important signal handling. Mean while, these DI channels allow to be used as 1 KHz counter. Opposite to the intelligent DI functions, the Digital Output channels also support pulse output function.


  • Digitale I/O

    Modbus TCP to 12 DI & 6 DO Module

    Support Ethernet 10/100 Based-T communication
    Support protocol Modbus/TCP,TCP/IP,UDP,ICMP,ARP
    Support 12*DI (Direct/Counter/Freq/Latch)
    Support Counter(Filter/Signal Width-H/L)/Frequency(Value Select)/Latch(H/L) inputs
    Support Dry contact Digital input type
    Support 6*DO digital output(open collector)channels
    1KHz Pulsed(Freq/Width-H/L/Counts)/Delay(H-L/L-H Width) output
    Support Isolated input and output channels

    1 på lager


  • Mix I/O

    Modbus TCP to 8-channel T/C Input with 2/DO Module

    The EX9019-MTCP is a 16-bit, 8-channel Thermocouple input module that provides programmable input ranges on
    all channels. It accepts Various Thermocouple inputs (Type J, K, T, E, R, S, B) and provides data to the host
    computer in engineering units (°C). In order to satisfy various temperature requirements in one module, each
    analog channel is allowed to configure an individual range for several applications.


  • Mix I/O

    Modbus TCP to 8AI Voltage/ Current input w/ 2DO

    Support Ethernet 10/100 Based-T communication
    Support protocol Modbus/TCP,TCP/IP,UDP,ICMP,ARP
    Support individual channel type setting for ±V, ±mV, mA(4~20)/(0~20)
    Support Linear Mapping
    Support Analog Input Alarm Setting & High/Low Alarm Digital Output
    Support isolated input channels
    Support two digital outputs(open collector)
    16-bit resolution
    2 Channels digital output
    0.1% accuracy


  • Analoge I/O

    Modbus TCP to 7-channel RTD Input Module

    Support Ethernet 10/100 Based-T communication
    Support protocol Modbus/TCP,TCP/IP,UDP,ICMP,ARP
    Support individual channel type setting for PT100, PT1000, Balco 500&Ni
    Support isolated input channelSupport 16-bit resolution
    Support Accuracy:±0.05% or better


  • Analoge I/O

    8 an. ut, 4-20 mA PoE

    EtherTRAK-2 analog utgangsmodul, 8 stk 4-20 mA med PoE tilkobling


  • Digitale I/O

    32 dig. inn, 10-30 VDC PoE

    EtherTRAK-2 digital inngangsmodul, 32 stk 10-30 VDC med PoE tilkobling


  • Analoge I/O

    16 isolerte termoelement PoE

    EtherTRAK-2 inngangsmodul for termoelementer, 16 stk isolerte med PoE tilkobling


  • Digitale I/O

    16 isolerte dig. ut, 10-30VDC, PoE

    EtherTRAK-2 digital utgangsmodul, 16 stk isolerte 10-30 VDC/V med PoE tilkobling


  • Digitale I/O

    16 isolerte dig. inn. 10-30 VDC PoE

    EtherTRAK-2 digital inngangsmodul, 16 stk isolerte 10-30 VDC/VAC med PoE tilkobling


  • Analoge I/O

    16 an. inn, 8 an. ut, 4-20 mA, PoE

    EtherTRAK-2 analog kombinasjonsmodul, 16 stk 4-20 mA inn, 8 stk 4-20 mA ut, med PoE tilkobling


  • Analoge I/O

    16 an. inn, 4-20 mA PoE

    EtherTRAK-2 analog inngangsmodul, 4-20 mA, med PoE tilkobling

